Adding RAM to a PVS ‘Streamed’ XenDesktop catalog in vSphere

I was working on a PVS deployment recently and needed to quickly add some RAM to ~200 PVS streamed VMs. To automate this task, I put together the following PoSH script that combines PowerCLI and the XenDesktop PoSH SDK to add RAM to all machines in a particular desktop group:

# Change-VM_Memory_CPU_Count.ps1
# -MemoryMB the amount of Memory you want 
#  to add or remove from the VM in MB
# -MemoryOption Add/Remove
# -CPUCount the amount of vCPU's you want 
#  to add or remove from the VM
# -CPUOption Add/Remove
# -DesktopGroup the XenDesktop Desktop Group to run against
# -AdminAddress host name of the XenDesktop DDC to run against
# Example:
# .\Change-VM_Memory_CPU_Count.ps1 -vCenter vmvcatl05 -MemoryMB 1024 -MemoryOption Add -DesktopGroup 'All User Windows 7' -AdminAddress CTXXDATL01


    [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

function PowerOff-VM{
    param([string] $vm)

    Shutdown-VMGuest -VM (Get-VM $vm) -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
    Write-Host "Shutdown $vm"
    do {
        $status = (get-VM $vm).PowerState
    }until($status -eq "PoweredOff")
    return "OK"

function PowerOn-VM{
    param( [string] $vm)

    if($vm -eq ""){    Write-Host "Please enter a valild VM name"}

    if((Get-VM $vm).powerstate -eq "PoweredOn"){
        Write-Host "$vm is already powered on"}

        Start-VM -VM (Get-VM $vm) -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
        Write-Host "Starting $vm"
        do {
            $status = (Get-vm $vm | Get-View).Guest.ToolsRunningStatus
        }until($status -eq "guestToolsRunning")
        return "OK"

function Change-VMMemory{
    param([string]$vmName, [int]$MemoryMB, [string]$Option)
    if($vmName -eq ""){
        Write-Host "Please enter a VM Name"
    if($MemoryMB -eq ""){
        Write-Host "Please enter an amount of Memory in MB"
    if($Option -eq ""){
        Write-Host "Please enter an option to add or remove memory"
    $vm = Get-VM $vmName    
    $CurMemoryMB = ($vm).MemoryMB

    if($vm.Powerstate -eq "PoweredOn"){
        Write-Host "The VM must be Powered Off to continue"

    if($Option -eq "Add"){
        $NewMemoryMB = $CurMemoryMB + $MemoryMB
    elseif($Option -eq "Remove"){
        if($MemoryMB -ge $CurMemoryMB){
            Write-Host "The amount of memory entered is greater or equal than 
            the current amount of memory allocated to this VM"
        $NewMemoryMB = $CurMemoryMB - $MemoryMB

    $vm | Set-VM -MemoryMB $NewMemoryMB -Confirm:$false
    Write-Host "The new configured amount of memory is"(Get-VM $VM).MemoryMB

function Change-VMCPUCount{
    param([string]$vmName, [int]$NumCPU, [string]$Option)
    if($vmName -eq ""){
        Write-Host "Please enter a VM Name"
    if($NumCPU -eq ""){
        Write-Host "Please enter the number of vCPU's you want to add"
    if($Option -eq ""){
        Write-Host "Please enter an option to add or remove vCPU"

    $vm = Get-VM $vmName    
    $CurCPUCount = ($vm).NumCPU

    if($vm.Powerstate -eq "PoweredOn"){
        Write-Host "The VM must be Powered Off to continue"

    if($Option -eq "Add"){
        $NewvCPUCount = $CurCPUCount + $NumCPU
    elseif($Option -eq "Remove"){
        if($NumCPU -ge $CurCPUCount){
            Write-Host "The number of vCPU's entered is higher or equal 
            than the current number of vCPU's allocated to this VM"
        $NewvCPUCount = $CurCPUCount - $NumCPU

    $vm | Set-VM -NumCPU $NewvCPUCount -Confirm:$false
    Write-Host "The new configured number of vCPU's is"(Get-VM $VM).NumCPU

# Main script

$VIServer = Connect-VIServer $vCenter
If ($VIServer.IsConnected -ne $true){
    Write-Host "error connecting to $vCenter" -ForegroundColor Red

if($MemoryMB -or $CPUCount -ne "0"){
    foreach ($vm in get-brokerdesktop -DesktopGroupName $DesktopGroup -AdminAddress $AdminAddress -PowerState Off)
		$vmwvm = Get-VM -Name $vm.HostedMachineName
		if ($vmwvm.MemoryMB -lt 4000)
        	if($MemoryMB -ne "0"){
	            if($MemoryOption -eq " ") {Write-Host "Please enter an option to add or remove memory"}
	                Change-VMMemory $vm.HostedMachineName $MemoryMB $MemoryOption					

        if($CPUCount -ne "0"){
            if($CPUOption -eq " ") {Write-Host "Please enter an option to add or remove cpu"}
                Change-VMCPUCount $vmName $CPUCount $CPUOption


Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$false

One comment

  1. PterodactylPtime · April 29, 2016

    Does this work in PVS 7.6 for VMs that are deployed through XenDesktop 7.5? Will we need to schedule downtime (i.e. – this process shuts down the VMs)?

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